When a Friend Tells You, “I’m Getting a Divorce”

surviving a divorce

The espresso machines were steaming, and the bustling coffee shop felt familiar and safe as my friend and I sat down. Even though we’d been friends for 15 years, I was unprepared for the statement she was about to make.

“How are you?” I said looking at her troubled expression while taking a sip of my latte to fill the silence.

“Well,” she answered and suddenly took a breath, “this is a big one.”

I froze, and it seemed as if the coffee shop bustle went silent around us. We were now in our own bubble of conversation that only two good girlfriends can generate.

“I’m getting a divorce,” she stated.

“Uh, I’m…uh,” I stuttered.

“He came to me three weeks ago as we were getting ready for bed and said he didn’t want to be married anymore” she explained.

My thoughts raced through the last several months with visions of BBQs, family get -togethers and date nights replaying in my head, and it seemed everything was fine with them. Every person has a list of friends who they wouldn’t be surprised if they got divorced, and this friend was NOT on the list. I was lost in the movie playing in my head yet I could see she was searching my face for a response.

“I am so, so, sorry!” I said as I laid my hand on hers, “What happened?”

“There was no notice, no idea that there was a problem, it was just out of the blue,” she said shaking her head in disbelief and pain.

All her bubbled up frustration began to tumble out: “Oh, it’s just sad. The kids aren’t doing well, they don’t understand why all this is happening. It’s all a mess and I get so angry sometimes! Why me, why us, why did this happen? What did I do? I feel like such a failure and don’t want anyone to know, but they will find out eventually,” she stopped and looked down at her hands. I could tell she felt she said too much. This is when a friend steps up to be present no matter what, so I did.

“I don’t know if you want to hear this or not, but this happened to a friend of ours this past summer. The husband up and stated he was done and moved out” I said.


“Yes, I am afraid it’s not that uncommon,” I answered.

“Yes, but it feels just like a death when it happens to you. Death of hope, dreams, love and a family,” she said while her eyes were filling up.

“And with a death, people are supportive. So many families are affected by divorce now; I don’t think anyone will think you are failure,” I countered.

I added, “I don’t think you are failure and your friends will understand and offer support. It shakes people up when divorce hits close to home, but they’ll be there for you.” I assured her.

Our talk turned to the history between us, the usual mom challenges, the birth of our children, the ups and downs, and I finally asked: “What can I do to help you?”

“I really don’t know. My head is swimming with so many things, just being here with you is helping” she answered.

“Ok. How about if I bring dinner over for all of you tomorrow? Also, if you need me to drive the kids anywhere just let me know. And, I will also text you when I am out running errands to see if you need anything. Will that help?” I asked.

“Oh my, yes, that takes a little of the worry off; and I don’t feel so alone,” she smiled.

“You aren’t alone, you have me and your other friends. We’ll all pull together and help you through this, ok?”

“I don’t want to lean on you too much, you have your own life” she said as her mouth trembled.

“We lean on each other, and by the way, you are part of my life,” I reminded her.

We spent the good part of an hour laughing and crying at the news. I knew nothing could change what was happening, but I sure was there to laugh and cry with her.

As we gathered our things she said, “This was really helpful to get it out in the open and talk about it. Thank you.”

“That’s what friends are for right? You know I am here for you, anytime for anything,” I said.

As we walked through the coffee shop to leave, I stopped and gave her a hug. Our friendship had changed. Somewhere over the last hour it had deepened.

I knew she was stronger than she was feeling right now, so I said, “You will be ok, it may not seem like it now, but you will be ok.”

She paused and gazed around at the bustle of the coffee shop, “You know, I will be,” she said.

About Tracy 144 Articles
No Makeup Required (NMR) was founded in 2009 for you, and it has nothing to do with makeup.(Read why here) Find your voice, find yourself. All with inspiration, encouragement, and wisdom. We bring women from history and the present together to inspire YOU to be your OWN woman. We believe beauty is defined by being who you are. What's keeping you from being you? ...It's not you, it's ...(Read more here) Welcome to a new kind of website for women.


  1. This story made me cry. I can relate to your friend. My husband came home the other day telling me he wants a divorce too. It doesn’t help that I’m 27 weeks pregnant, we just got a house and have been married for 8 months (together 6 years). It was out of the blue. Total shock. Still in shock. But like you, my family and friends have been there for me. And it will be ok. Thank you.

  2. Tracy, what a well written post and story. Thanks for sharing this with your readers and for the ending message, that everything will be ok. Divorce is difficult, but all change is. It may take time to rebuild and live a ‘new life’ but it does happen.

  3. I so relate to the story, Tracy.
    I just walked out of my marriage, with my wife Pam Papier who has been deceptive and manipulative. She herself has been plotting 4 months after we married to find someone/something better – I found Skype chats she’s been having after I left which made it all the more real and bitter. Sad news but at least I now know why she never tried to fix anything, in the 4 years we had together.
    I hope your friend finds good fortune as I know she will.
    A wonderful read too, Tracy

  4. Divorce is really hard on women. I wonder if men suffers as much as we do. Maybe there are deceptive and manipulative women in this world, but i think that the majority of women invest so much more in the marriage then men do.

    Sorry for what happened to you. Just one more story to teach we have to able to stand on the ground firmly always. never trust too much

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