ways to be a good neighbor

Ten Ways to Be A Good Neighbor

Why bother making friends with your neighbor? After a busy day, time behind closed doors is a luxury and reaching out to neighbors may not seem worth the effort. But, creating goodwill with your neighbors […]

competitive woman

How to Respond to a Competitive Woman

How do you respond to a competitive woman? Here’s the standard answer. “They’re just insecure. It has nothing to do with you.” Um, ok, but that doesn’t help you when you’re standing face to face […]

love of girl scout cookies

For the Love of Girl Scout Cookies

Every spring with their toothless smiles and pigtails, otherwise harmless Girl Scouts somehow manage to throw most of us — even temporarily — off our pre-swimsuit season diets by asking a simple question as we […]


Practical Ways to Communicate With Class

“A touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment—the smallest act of caring improves every interaction.” ~Deborah King, Etiquette Expert Although we have been communicating in some form since the beginning […]

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